
Clubs are broken down by grades and are small groups of girls in kindergarten through high school who meet with adult volunteer club leaders to develop leadership skills, self-esteem and life skills. Club experiences offer opportunities to develop planning and decision-making skills, as well as life skills related to individual interests. Our clubs focus largely on giving back to the community.

Outreach Programs

Outreach Programs

Horizons provides programming to the students at Gardner-Strong Elementary School during school hours. The focus in on developing positive character traits.

After the Bell

After the Bell

After the Bell is a weekly program on Wednesday afternoons during the school year and is open to Camp Fire members and their siblings. Children participate in STEM activities, crafts, cooking, outdoor activities and team building exercises.

Special Events

Special Events

Horizons offers special events throughout the year. Trail of Treats at Halloween, Winter Wonderland at Christmas and a Spring Fling. Horizons Formal and the Father/Daughter Banquet both reward members for their hard work and draw huge crowds.

Summer Day Camp

Horizons summer day camp is open to children who have completed Kindergarten– 6th grade. Daily activities include outdoor games and activities, campsite cooking, crafts, hiking, archery, and BB gun shooting. The fee for Day Camp covers mid-morning and afternoon snacks, lunches, craft supplies and a Camp T-shirt! Not to mention, a super fun water day along with friendly team competitions on the last day! Counselors and Jr. Counselors consist of junior and senior high Horizons members, Horizons alumni, and various volunteers.

Summer Day Camp
Horizons Programs

Horizons Programs

Various enrichment classes are offered throughout the year. They include cooking classes, art workshops, social media/internet safety, healthy image classes, and many more.